The host of American Idol has closed the biggest deal ever for a reality emcee and will triple his current salary. His new paycheck: $45 million for three years.
In exchange Seacrest who will turn 35 on Christmas Eve will work exclusively for CKX, a partner of Idol producer 19 Entertainment, and even better the deal only covers broadcast-network work.Seacrest will still keep his gig as producer of Keeping Up with the Kardashians,as well as E! Entertainment’s main anchor.
In exchange Seacrest who will turn 35 on Christmas Eve will work exclusively for CKX, a partner of Idol producer 19 Entertainment, and even better the deal only covers broadcast-network work.Seacrest will still keep his gig as producer of Keeping Up with the Kardashians,as well as E! Entertainment’s main anchor.
His buddy Simon Cowell judge of American Idol who is said to be getting paid 36 million a year might ask for a raise after he hears this.
Oh how funny i heard now Paula abdul is mad that Ryan got more money than her!